2 Trans 2 Furious: 2 Busted 2 Sell? (Last U.S. copies!)

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2 Trans 2 Furious: 2 Busted 2 Sell? (Last U.S. copies!)

NOTE: These copies have minor imperfections** on the front cover, back cover, and/or spine. The inside is perfectly good!!!!!!!!!

We have 30 of these and when they're gone, they're gone. For US shipping only (unless you ask really nicely).

**I chose a particularly busted one for the example photo, so your copy will hopefully be slightly more normal, but it's the luck of the draw!


More than 40 trans writers and artists have joined forces to explore the deeper meanings of the Fast & Furious franchise (and also gender). There's really no way to know why this exists, but it does, and you can own it! Suitable for F&F fans and newcomers alike. Contributions include:

- A new short story by Manhunt author Gretchen Felker-Martin
- A demolition derby driver’s perspective on 2 Fast 2 Furious’s derby scene
- An essay contemplating the queer symbolism of Cipher’s bowl cut
- The scoop on the franchise’s only canonically nonbinary character
- Instructions for an F&F-themed tabletop roleplaying game
- A contemplation of which Taylor Swift album represents each F&F character
Plus: Bingo cards! Comics! Haiku! And, of course, hot gay erotica…

2 Trans 2 Furious is edited by Tuck Woodstock & Niko Stratis, with cover art by Mattie Lubchansky and zine design by Shay Mirk.


This zine is 160 pages(!), 8.5" x 5.5" and perfect-bound like a real book — fancy! Interior pages are black & white.

Only shipping these to the US, sorry! (If you really want one elsewhere, message us and we can check how much shipping would cost.)

ISBN: 979-8-218-23030-2